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How healthy behaviour supports children’s wellbeing?

The wellbeing and health of children in England is of paramount importance now
and into the future, but compared to other Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries we could
be doing better. A recent report from the Children’s Society1 says that child wellbeing has dipped since 2008 after a period of improvement from 1994. It found that while four- fths of children are ‘ ourishing’, meaning they are satis ed as a whole and nd their lives worthwhile, 10%, or half a million, are ‘languishing’ and score poorly on measures of wellbeing.

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Children’s rights

The full list of rights for children and young people under the age of 18 is set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the most accepted standard on children’s rights in the world. Ireland committed to promote children’s rights when it signed up to the Convention in 1992.

Children’s rights include the right to health, education, family life, play and recreation, an adequate standard of living and to be protected from abuse and harm. Children’s rights cover their developmental and age-appropriate needs that change over time as a child grows up.

There are four general principles that underpin all children’s rights:

  • Non-discrimination means that all children have the same right to develop their potential in all situations and at all times. For example, every child should have equal access to education regardless of the child’s gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, disability, parentage, sexual orientation or other status
  • The best interests of the child must be “a primary consideration” in all actions and decisions concerning a child, and must be used to resolve conflicts between different rights. For example, when making national budgetary decisions affecting children, Government must consider how cuts will impact on the best interests of the child
  • The right to survival and development underscores the vital importance of ensuring access to basic services and to equality of opportunity for children to achieve their full development. For example, a child with a disability should have effective access to education and health care to achieve their full potential
  • The views of the child mean that the voice of the child must be heard and respected in all matters concerning his or her rights. For example, those in power should consult with children before making decisions that will affect them.
Clean Water for Children

Clean water has the power not only to save lives, but to transform them. The power of clean water can keep children healthy, so they can grow strong and attend school, and can enable parents to be healthy so they can create work to create a better life for their families.

Water is essential to survival and health of all human beings. The right to water is a fundamental human right and a prerequisite for the realization of other human rights.

Water access: essential right for all children

The right to water is an essential right since water plays a major role in daily life and in the environment of all people, adults and children. The right to water implies the right to drinking water and to adequate sanitation.

Education for Children

Education is an essential right, which permits each person to receive instruction and to blossom socially. The right to an education is vital for the economic, social and cultural development of all societies.

Education: An important apprenticeship

Education permits one to acquire basic knowledge

Education entails that its subjects acquire a variety of knowledge. It begins with the acquisition of elementary knowledge—that is to say, literacy—on the part of the youngest members of society. At this stage, children learn to read and write thanks to primary instruction and parental oversight.

This is an essential stage which will permit the child to pursue his/her education by integrating secondary and post-secondary instruction.

Education also consists of a form of learning that is necessary for the development of one’s personality and identity, as well as his physical and intellectual capabilities. Education permits, notably, the transmission of common principles to new generations, and the conservation and perpetuation of social values. It also contributes to the flourishing of individuality through the enhancement of social and professional integration.

Education has as its ultimate objective the improvement of a person’s quality of life. It offers to underprivileged adults and children a chance to escape from poverty. It is thus an essential tool for the economic, social and cultural development of all populations around the world.

The Right to an Education: a fundamental and universal right

Education must be accessible to all children

Education is a human right which ought to be accessible to everyone, without any discrimination. All children must be able to go to school, and thereby benefit from the same opportunities to build a future. Additionally, educational instruction must be equally gratuitous so that children from disadvantaged environments will be able to enjoy their right to an education.

Educational instruction must be of an excellent quality

Beyond the question of accessibility, the right to an education also supposes that the objectives of learning will be attained. This means that all children have the right to benefit from a quality education adapted to their needs. Moreover, professors must be trained in techniques of teaching which combine pedagogy and play for the purpose of arousing children’s interest.

It is the responsibility of countries to guarantee each child’s right to an education. They must focus their efforts on primary instruction so as to make schools accessible and free for all children and thus enable them to learn to read and write.

Security for Children

The younger you start to train your child in home and personal security matters, the easier it will all be. We have all seen on TV the security video of a kid being abducted by a stranger or doing other unsafe things that put themselves in serious danger.

  1. Teach your kids to make an emergency call . Make sure they understand when they should do this. Many kids have saved a parents life because they knew when and how to call 999
  2. Teach them the home emergency drills; how to get out of the house in a fire, what to do if a stranger is in the house, etc. Do not frighten them with this. Just explain so they understand how to do it. Have them show you how they are going to do it so you know they can actually do it. Doing is a better learning tool than listening.
  3. Help your children be on the lookout for situations or actions that make them feel uncomfortable, rather than certain kinds of people. (“Stay away from strangers” is a popular warning used to prevent child abduction and exploitation, however, most children are harmed by “acquaintances.”). You need to teach them what a “stranger” is without teaching them that all strangers are dangerous. Almost any stranger a kid walks up to if they are in trouble will help them. Only a very small percentage will be a problem and the problem ones will probably be obvious.
  4. Teach your children the following:
    • If someone tries to take you somewhere, quickly get away if you can. Run and yell “Someone is trying to take me away!” Run to any other adult you can find and ask for help. Anyone is better than the person who is trying to take you. Run into the nearest house, shop or business. Do not knock or ask; just run in and scream for help.
    • If someone follows you on foot or in a car, run to a “safe place.” A safe place is where there are other people around … the home of a neighbor or friend or a store; not a wooded area or unoccupied building.
    • If you get caught with a predator or other person who is intending to harm you, then fight. Any kid can poke an eye with a finger or use their knee if the opportunity arises. It is a very painful blow and will in all likelihood allow enough time for the kid to escape. This sounds bad, dangerous, hurtful, and politically incorrect, but the alternative is not desirable. The damage done will repair itself in short time and your kid may have just saved his or her life.
  5. Always carry pictures of your children (taken within the last 6 months) and take time every day to make a mental note regarding the clothing being worn by your children. Keep their vital stats up to date. i.e height, weight, scars, distinguishing marks, etc.
  6. Develop family check-in procedures so you always know where your child is, and your child knows where you are.
  7. Learn the routes your kids use to get to school and back or to and from friends’ homes. Take a walk with your kids over the routes and point out any safety issues like alleys, drug houses, known perverts and criminals etc.
  8. Keep a list of your children’s friends and their parents’ names and phone numbers.